layeredconfig package


layeredconfig.commandline module

class layeredconfig.commandline.Commandline(commandline=None, parser=None, sectionsep='-', add_help=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: layeredconfig.configsource.ConfigSource

Load configuration from command line options. Any long-style parameters are turned into configuration values, and parameters containing the section separator (by default "-") are turned into nested config objects (i.e. --module-parameter=foo results in self.module.parameter == "foo".

If an initialized ArgumentParser object is provided, the defined parameters in that object is used for supporting short form options (eg. '-f' instead of '--force'), typing information and help text. The standards argparse feature of printing a helpful message when the ‘-h’ option is given is retained.

  • commandline (list) – Command line arguments, in list form like sys.argv. If not provided, uses the real sys.argv.
  • parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) – An initialized/configured argparse object
  • sectionsep (str) – An alternate section separator instead of -.
  • add_help (bool) – Same as for ArgumentParser()

Should return the actual value of the parameter identified by key. If has(some_key) returns True, get(some_key) should always succeed. If the configuration source does not include intrinsic typing information (ie. everything looks like a string) this method should return the string as-is, LayeredConfig is responsible for converting it to the correct type.


This method should return true if the parameter identified by key is present in this configuration source. It is up to each configuration source to define the semantics of what exactly “is present” means, but a guideline is that only real values should count as being present. If you only have some sort of placeholder or typing information for key this should probably not return True.

Note that it is possible that a configuration source would return True for typed(some_key) and at the same time return False for has(some_key), if the source only carries typing information, not real values.

rest = []

The remainder of the command line, containing all parameters that couldn’t be turned into configuration settings.

set(key, value)[source]

Should set the parameter identified by key to the new value value.

This method should be prepared for any type of value, ie ints, lists, dates, bools… If the backend cannot handle the given type, it should convert to a str itself.

Note that this does not mean that the changes should be persisted in the backend data, only in the existing objects view of the data (only when save() is called, the changes should be persisted).


Perform some post-initialization setup. This method will be called by the LayeredConfig constructor after its internal initialization is finished, with itself as argument. Sources may access all properties of the config object in order to eg. find out which parameters have been defined.

The sources will be called in the same order as they were provided to the LayeredConfig constructior, ie. lowest precedence first.

Parameters:config (layeredconfig.LayeredConfig) – The initialized config object that this source is a part of

Should return the subsection identified by key, in the form of a new object of the same class, but initialized differently. Exactly how will depend on the source, but as a general rule the same resource handle used as self.source should be passed to the new object. Often, the subsection key will need to be provided to the new object as well, so that get() and other methods can use it to look in the correct place.

As a general rule, the constructor should be called with a parent parameter set to self.


Should return a list (or other iterator) of subsection keys, ie names that represent subsections of this configuration source. Not all configuration sources need to support subsections. In that case, this should just return an empty list.


Should return True if this source contains typing information for key, ie information about which data type this parameter should be.

For sources where everything is stored as a string, this should generally return False (no way of distinguishing an actual string from a date formatted as a string).

layeredconfig.configsource module

class layeredconfig.configsource.ConfigSource(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The constructor of the class should set up needed resources, such as opening and parsing a configuration file.

It is a good idea to keep whatever connection handles, data access objects, or other resources needed to retrieve the settings, as unprocessed as possible. The methods that actually need the data (has(), get(), subsection(), subsections() and possibly typed()) should use those resources directly instead of reading from cached locally stored copies.

The constructor must call the superclass’ __init__ method with all remaining keyword arguments, ie. super(MySource, self).__init__(**kwargs).

dirty = False

For writable sources, whether any parameter value in this source has been changed so that a call to save() might be needed.


Should return the actual value of the parameter identified by key. If has(some_key) returns True, get(some_key) should always succeed. If the configuration source does not include intrinsic typing information (ie. everything looks like a string) this method should return the string as-is, LayeredConfig is responsible for converting it to the correct type.


This method should return true if the parameter identified by key is present in this configuration source. It is up to each configuration source to define the semantics of what exactly “is present” means, but a guideline is that only real values should count as being present. If you only have some sort of placeholder or typing information for key this should probably not return True.

Note that it is possible that a configuration source would return True for typed(some_key) and at the same time return False for has(some_key), if the source only carries typing information, not real values.

identifier = None

A string identifying this source, primarily used with LayeredConfig.set().

parent = None

The parent of this source, if this represents a nested configuration source, or None


Persist changed data to the backend. This generally means to update a loaded configuration file with all changed data, or similar.

This method will only ever be called if writable is True, and only if dirty has been set to True.

If your source is read-only, you don’t have to implement this method.

set(key, value)[source]

Should set the parameter identified by key to the new value value.

This method should be prepared for any type of value, ie ints, lists, dates, bools… If the backend cannot handle the given type, it should convert to a str itself.

Note that this does not mean that the changes should be persisted in the backend data, only in the existing objects view of the data (only when save() is called, the changes should be persisted).


Perform some post-initialization setup. This method will be called by the LayeredConfig constructor after its internal initialization is finished, with itself as argument. Sources may access all properties of the config object in order to eg. find out which parameters have been defined.

The sources will be called in the same order as they were provided to the LayeredConfig constructior, ie. lowest precedence first.

Parameters:config (layeredconfig.LayeredConfig) – The initialized config object that this source is a part of
source = None

By convention, this should be your main connection handle, data access object, or other resource neededed to retrieve the settings.


Should return the subsection identified by key, in the form of a new object of the same class, but initialized differently. Exactly how will depend on the source, but as a general rule the same resource handle used as self.source should be passed to the new object. Often, the subsection key will need to be provided to the new object as well, so that get() and other methods can use it to look in the correct place.

As a general rule, the constructor should be called with a parent parameter set to self.


Should return a list (or other iterator) of subsection keys, ie names that represent subsections of this configuration source. Not all configuration sources need to support subsections. In that case, this should just return an empty list.


Should return True if this source contains typing information for key, ie information about which data type this parameter should be.

For sources where everything is stored as a string, this should generally return False (no way of distinguishing an actual string from a date formatted as a string).

typevalue(key, value)[source]

Given a parameter identified by key and an untyped string, convert that string to the type that our version of key has.

writable = False

Whether or not this source can accept changed configuration settings and store them in the same place as the original setting came from.

layeredconfig.defaults module

class layeredconfig.defaults.Defaults(defaults=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: layeredconfig.dictsource.DictSource

This source is initialized with a dict.

Parameters:defaults (dict) – A dict with configuration keys and values. If any values are dicts, these are turned into nested config objects.

layeredconfig.dictsource module

class layeredconfig.dictsource.DictSource(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: layeredconfig.configsource.ConfigSource

If your backend data is exposable as a python dict, you can subclass from this class to avoid implementing has(), get(), keys(), subsection() and subsections(). You only need to write __init__() (which should set self.source to that exposed dict), and possibly typed() and save().


Should return the actual value of the parameter identified by key. If has(some_key) returns True, get(some_key) should always succeed. If the configuration source does not include intrinsic typing information (ie. everything looks like a string) this method should return the string as-is, LayeredConfig is responsible for converting it to the correct type.


This method should return true if the parameter identified by key is present in this configuration source. It is up to each configuration source to define the semantics of what exactly “is present” means, but a guideline is that only real values should count as being present. If you only have some sort of placeholder or typing information for key this should probably not return True.

Note that it is possible that a configuration source would return True for typed(some_key) and at the same time return False for has(some_key), if the source only carries typing information, not real values.

set(key, value)[source]

Should set the parameter identified by key to the new value value.

This method should be prepared for any type of value, ie ints, lists, dates, bools… If the backend cannot handle the given type, it should convert to a str itself.

Note that this does not mean that the changes should be persisted in the backend data, only in the existing objects view of the data (only when save() is called, the changes should be persisted).


Should return the subsection identified by key, in the form of a new object of the same class, but initialized differently. Exactly how will depend on the source, but as a general rule the same resource handle used as self.source should be passed to the new object. Often, the subsection key will need to be provided to the new object as well, so that get() and other methods can use it to look in the correct place.

As a general rule, the constructor should be called with a parent parameter set to self.


Should return a list (or other iterator) of subsection keys, ie names that represent subsections of this configuration source. Not all configuration sources need to support subsections. In that case, this should just return an empty list.


Should return True if this source contains typing information for key, ie information about which data type this parameter should be.

For sources where everything is stored as a string, this should generally return False (no way of distinguishing an actual string from a date formatted as a string).

layeredconfig.environment module

class layeredconfig.environment.Environment(environ=None, prefix=None, lower=True, sectionsep='_', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: layeredconfig.configsource.ConfigSource

Loads settings from environment variables. If prefix is set to MYAPP_, the value of the environment variable MYAPP_HOME will be available as the configuration setting home.

  • environ (dict) – Environment variables, in dict form like os.environ. If not provided, uses the real os.environ.
  • prefix (str) – Since the entire environment is not suitable to use as a configuration, only variables starting with this prefix are used.
  • lower (True) – If true, lowercase the name of environment variables (since these typically uses uppercase)
  • sectionsep (str) – An alternate section separator instead of -.

Should return the actual value of the parameter identified by key. If has(some_key) returns True, get(some_key) should always succeed. If the configuration source does not include intrinsic typing information (ie. everything looks like a string) this method should return the string as-is, LayeredConfig is responsible for converting it to the correct type.


This method should return true if the parameter identified by key is present in this configuration source. It is up to each configuration source to define the semantics of what exactly “is present” means, but a guideline is that only real values should count as being present. If you only have some sort of placeholder or typing information for key this should probably not return True.

Note that it is possible that a configuration source would return True for typed(some_key) and at the same time return False for has(some_key), if the source only carries typing information, not real values.

set(key, val)[source]

Should set the parameter identified by key to the new value value.

This method should be prepared for any type of value, ie ints, lists, dates, bools… If the backend cannot handle the given type, it should convert to a str itself.

Note that this does not mean that the changes should be persisted in the backend data, only in the existing objects view of the data (only when save() is called, the changes should be persisted).


Should return the subsection identified by key, in the form of a new object of the same class, but initialized differently. Exactly how will depend on the source, but as a general rule the same resource handle used as self.source should be passed to the new object. Often, the subsection key will need to be provided to the new object as well, so that get() and other methods can use it to look in the correct place.

As a general rule, the constructor should be called with a parent parameter set to self.


Should return a list (or other iterator) of subsection keys, ie names that represent subsections of this configuration source. Not all configuration sources need to support subsections. In that case, this should just return an empty list.


Should return True if this source contains typing information for key, ie information about which data type this parameter should be.

For sources where everything is stored as a string, this should generally return False (no way of distinguishing an actual string from a date formatted as a string).

layeredconfig.etcdstore module

class layeredconfig.etcdstore.EtcdStore(baseurl='', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: layeredconfig.configsource.ConfigSource

Loads configuration from a etcd store.

Parameters:baseurl – The main endpoint of the etcd store

etcd has no concept of typed values, so all data from this source are returned as strings.


Should return the actual value of the parameter identified by key. If has(some_key) returns True, get(some_key) should always succeed. If the configuration source does not include intrinsic typing information (ie. everything looks like a string) this method should return the string as-is, LayeredConfig is responsible for converting it to the correct type.


This method should return true if the parameter identified by key is present in this configuration source. It is up to each configuration source to define the semantics of what exactly “is present” means, but a guideline is that only real values should count as being present. If you only have some sort of placeholder or typing information for key this should probably not return True.

Note that it is possible that a configuration source would return True for typed(some_key) and at the same time return False for has(some_key), if the source only carries typing information, not real values.


Persist changed data to the backend. This generally means to update a loaded configuration file with all changed data, or similar.

This method will only ever be called if writable is True, and only if dirty has been set to True.

If your source is read-only, you don’t have to implement this method.

set(key=None, value=None)[source]

Should set the parameter identified by key to the new value value.

This method should be prepared for any type of value, ie ints, lists, dates, bools… If the backend cannot handle the given type, it should convert to a str itself.

Note that this does not mean that the changes should be persisted in the backend data, only in the existing objects view of the data (only when save() is called, the changes should be persisted).


Should return the subsection identified by key, in the form of a new object of the same class, but initialized differently. Exactly how will depend on the source, but as a general rule the same resource handle used as self.source should be passed to the new object. Often, the subsection key will need to be provided to the new object as well, so that get() and other methods can use it to look in the correct place.

As a general rule, the constructor should be called with a parent parameter set to self.


Should return a list (or other iterator) of subsection keys, ie names that represent subsections of this configuration source. Not all configuration sources need to support subsections. In that case, this should just return an empty list.


Should return True if this source contains typing information for key, ie information about which data type this parameter should be.

For sources where everything is stored as a string, this should generally return False (no way of distinguishing an actual string from a date formatted as a string).

layeredconfig.inifile module

class layeredconfig.inifile.INIFile(inifilename=None, rootsection='__root__', sectionsep='.', writable=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: layeredconfig.configsource.ConfigSource

Loads and optionally saves configuration files in INI format, as handled by configparser.

  • inifile (str) – The name of a ini-style configuration file. The file should have a top-level section, by default named __root__, whose keys are turned into top-level configuration parameters. Any other sections in this file are turned into nested config objects.
  • rootsection (str) – An alternative name for the top-level section. See note below.
  • sectionsep (str) – separator to use in section names to separate nested subsections. See note below.
  • writable (bool) – Whether changes to the LayeredConfig object that has this INIFile object amongst its sources should be saved in the INI file.


Nested subsections is possible, but since the INI format does not natively support nesting, this is accomplished through specially-formatted section names, eg the config value mymodule.mysection.example would be expressed in the ini file as:

example = value

Since this source uses configparser, and since that module handles sections named [DEFAULT] differently, this module will have a sort-of automatic cascading feature for subsections if DEFAULT is used as rootsection


Should return the actual value of the parameter identified by key. If has(some_key) returns True, get(some_key) should always succeed. If the configuration source does not include intrinsic typing information (ie. everything looks like a string) this method should return the string as-is, LayeredConfig is responsible for converting it to the correct type.


This method should return true if the parameter identified by key is present in this configuration source. It is up to each configuration source to define the semantics of what exactly “is present” means, but a guideline is that only real values should count as being present. If you only have some sort of placeholder or typing information for key this should probably not return True.

Note that it is possible that a configuration source would return True for typed(some_key) and at the same time return False for has(some_key), if the source only carries typing information, not real values.


Persist changed data to the backend. This generally means to update a loaded configuration file with all changed data, or similar.

This method will only ever be called if writable is True, and only if dirty has been set to True.

If your source is read-only, you don’t have to implement this method.

set(key, value)[source]

Should set the parameter identified by key to the new value value.

This method should be prepared for any type of value, ie ints, lists, dates, bools… If the backend cannot handle the given type, it should convert to a str itself.

Note that this does not mean that the changes should be persisted in the backend data, only in the existing objects view of the data (only when save() is called, the changes should be persisted).


Should return the subsection identified by key, in the form of a new object of the same class, but initialized differently. Exactly how will depend on the source, but as a general rule the same resource handle used as self.source should be passed to the new object. Often, the subsection key will need to be provided to the new object as well, so that get() and other methods can use it to look in the correct place.

As a general rule, the constructor should be called with a parent parameter set to self.


Should return a list (or other iterator) of subsection keys, ie names that represent subsections of this configuration source. Not all configuration sources need to support subsections. In that case, this should just return an empty list.


Should return True if this source contains typing information for key, ie information about which data type this parameter should be.

For sources where everything is stored as a string, this should generally return False (no way of distinguishing an actual string from a date formatted as a string).

layeredconfig.jsonfile module

class layeredconfig.jsonfile.JSONFile(jsonfilename=None, writable=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: layeredconfig.dictsource.DictSource

Loads and optionally saves configuration files in JSON format. Since JSON has some support for typed values (supports numbers, lists, bools, but not dates or datetimes), data from this source are sometimes typed, sometimes only available as strings.

  • jsonfile (str) – The name of a JSON file, whose root element should be a JSON object (python dict). Nested objects are turned into nested config objects.
  • writable (bool) – Whether changes to the LayeredConfig object that has this JSONFile object amongst its sources should be saved in the JSON file.

Persist changed data to the backend. This generally means to update a loaded configuration file with all changed data, or similar.

This method will only ever be called if writable is True, and only if dirty has been set to True.

If your source is read-only, you don’t have to implement this method.

set(key, value)[source]

Should set the parameter identified by key to the new value value.

This method should be prepared for any type of value, ie ints, lists, dates, bools… If the backend cannot handle the given type, it should convert to a str itself.

Note that this does not mean that the changes should be persisted in the backend data, only in the existing objects view of the data (only when save() is called, the changes should be persisted).


Should return True if this source contains typing information for key, ie information about which data type this parameter should be.

For sources where everything is stored as a string, this should generally return False (no way of distinguishing an actual string from a date formatted as a string).

layeredconfig.layeredconfig module

class layeredconfig.layeredconfig.LayeredConfig(*sources, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Creates a config object from one or more sources and provides unified access to a nested set of configuration parameters. The source of these parameters a config file (using .ini-file style syntax), command line parameters, and default settings embedded in code. Command line parameters override configuration file parameters, which in turn override default settings in code (hence Layered Config).

Configuration parameters are accessed as regular object attributes, not dict-style key/value pairs. Configuration parameter names should therefore be regular python identifiers, and preferrably avoid upper-case and “_” as well (i.e. only consist of the characters a-z and 0-9)

Configuration parameter values can be typed (strings, integers, booleans, dates, lists…). Even though some sources lack typing information (eg in INI files, command-line parameters and enviroment variables, everything is a string), LayeredConfig will attempt to find typing information in other sources and convert data.

  • *sources – Initialized ConfigSource-derived objects
  • cascade (bool) – If an attempt to get a non-existing parameter on a sub (nested) configuration object should attempt to get the parameter on the parent config object. False by default,
  • writable (bool) – Whether configuration values should be mutable. True by default. This does not affect set().
static boolconvert(value)[source]

Convert the string value to a boolean. "True" is converted to True and "False" is converted to False.


If value is neither “True” nor “False”, it’s returned unchanged.

static dateconvert(value)[source]

Convert the string value to a date object. value is assumed to be on the form “YYYY-MM-DD”.

static datetimeconvert(value)[source]

Convert the string value to a datetime object. value is assumed to be on the form “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” (optionally ending with fractions of a second).

static dump(config)[source]

Returns the entire content of the config object in a way that can be easily examined, compared or dumped to a string or file.

Parameters:config – The configuration object to dump
Return type:dict
static get(config, key, default=None)[source]

Gets a value from the config object, or return a default value if the parameter does not exist, like dict.get() does.

static set(config, key, value, sourceid='defaults')[source]

Sets a value in this config object without marking any source dirty, and with exact control of exactly where to set the value. This is mostly useful for low-level trickery with config objects.

  • config – The configuration object to set values on
  • key – The parameter name
  • value – The new value
  • sourceid – The identifier for the underlying source that the value should be set on.
static write(config)[source]

Commits any pending modifications, ie save a configuration file if it has been marked “dirty” as a result of an normal assignment. The modifications are written to the first writable source in this config object.


This is a static method, ie not a method on any object instance. This is because all attribute access on a LayeredConfig object is meant to retrieve configuration settings.

Parameters:config (layeredconfig.LayeredConfig) – The configuration object to save

layeredconfig.plistfile module

class layeredconfig.plistfile.PListFile(plistfilename=None, writable=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: layeredconfig.dictsource.DictSource

Loads and optionally saves configuration files in PList format. Since PList has some support for typed values (supports numbers, lists, bools, datetimes but not dates), data from this source are sometimes typed, sometimes only available as strings.

  • plistfile (str) – The name of a PList file. Nested sections are turned into nested config objects.
  • writable (bool) – Whether changes to the LayeredConfig object that has this PListFile object amongst its sources should be saved in the PList file.

Should return the actual value of the parameter identified by key. If has(some_key) returns True, get(some_key) should always succeed. If the configuration source does not include intrinsic typing information (ie. everything looks like a string) this method should return the string as-is, LayeredConfig is responsible for converting it to the correct type.


Persist changed data to the backend. This generally means to update a loaded configuration file with all changed data, or similar.

This method will only ever be called if writable is True, and only if dirty has been set to True.

If your source is read-only, you don’t have to implement this method.

set(key, value)[source]

Should set the parameter identified by key to the new value value.

This method should be prepared for any type of value, ie ints, lists, dates, bools… If the backend cannot handle the given type, it should convert to a str itself.

Note that this does not mean that the changes should be persisted in the backend data, only in the existing objects view of the data (only when save() is called, the changes should be persisted).


Should return a list (or other iterator) of subsection keys, ie names that represent subsections of this configuration source. Not all configuration sources need to support subsections. In that case, this should just return an empty list.


Should return True if this source contains typing information for key, ie information about which data type this parameter should be.

For sources where everything is stored as a string, this should generally return False (no way of distinguishing an actual string from a date formatted as a string).

layeredconfig.pyfile module

class layeredconfig.pyfile.PyFile(pyfilename=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: layeredconfig.configsource.ConfigSource

Loads configuration from a python source file. Any variables defined in that file will be interpreted as configuration keys. The class Subsection is automatically imported into the context when the file is executed, and represents a subsection of the configuration. Any attribute set on such an object is treated as a configuration parameter on that subsection.


The python source file is loaded and interpreted once, when creating the PyFile object. If a value is set by eg. calling a function, that function will only be called at load time, not when accessing the parameter.

Parameters:pyfile (str) – The name of a file containing valid python code.

Should return the actual value of the parameter identified by key. If has(some_key) returns True, get(some_key) should always succeed. If the configuration source does not include intrinsic typing information (ie. everything looks like a string) this method should return the string as-is, LayeredConfig is responsible for converting it to the correct type.


This method should return true if the parameter identified by key is present in this configuration source. It is up to each configuration source to define the semantics of what exactly “is present” means, but a guideline is that only real values should count as being present. If you only have some sort of placeholder or typing information for key this should probably not return True.

Note that it is possible that a configuration source would return True for typed(some_key) and at the same time return False for has(some_key), if the source only carries typing information, not real values.

set(key, value)[source]

Should set the parameter identified by key to the new value value.

This method should be prepared for any type of value, ie ints, lists, dates, bools… If the backend cannot handle the given type, it should convert to a str itself.

Note that this does not mean that the changes should be persisted in the backend data, only in the existing objects view of the data (only when save() is called, the changes should be persisted).


Should return the subsection identified by key, in the form of a new object of the same class, but initialized differently. Exactly how will depend on the source, but as a general rule the same resource handle used as self.source should be passed to the new object. Often, the subsection key will need to be provided to the new object as well, so that get() and other methods can use it to look in the correct place.

As a general rule, the constructor should be called with a parent parameter set to self.


Should return a list (or other iterator) of subsection keys, ie names that represent subsections of this configuration source. Not all configuration sources need to support subsections. In that case, this should just return an empty list.


Should return True if this source contains typing information for key, ie information about which data type this parameter should be.

For sources where everything is stored as a string, this should generally return False (no way of distinguishing an actual string from a date formatted as a string).

class layeredconfig.pyfile.Subsection[source]

Bases: dict

layeredconfig.yamlfile module

class layeredconfig.yamlfile.YAMLFile(yamlfilename=None, writable=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: layeredconfig.dictsource.DictSource

Loads and optionally saves configuration files in YAML format. Since YAML (and the library implementing the support, PyYAML) has automatic support for typed values, data from this source are typed.

  • yamlfile (str) – The name of a YAML file. Nested sections are turned into nested config objects.
  • writable (bool) – Whether changes to the LayeredConfig object that has this YAMLFile object amongst its sources should be saved in the YAML file.

Should return the actual value of the parameter identified by key. If has(some_key) returns True, get(some_key) should always succeed. If the configuration source does not include intrinsic typing information (ie. everything looks like a string) this method should return the string as-is, LayeredConfig is responsible for converting it to the correct type.


Persist changed data to the backend. This generally means to update a loaded configuration file with all changed data, or similar.

This method will only ever be called if writable is True, and only if dirty has been set to True.

If your source is read-only, you don’t have to implement this method.

Module contents